Truman and Barkely
Political cartoon about Truman and Barkley -
They Don't Answer!
Political cartoon about Nazi-facist propaganda in South America -
They've Seen that Bird Before
Political cartoon about Germany not having any demands in Europe now -
Nothing to Do But Hatch 'Em
Political cartoon about congress faced with many problems -
A Rare Specimen, Indeed
Political cartoon about the third term -
You'd Hardly Recognize Him
Political cartoon about Russia and the allies -
Not Too Close, There!
Political cartoon about the administration pushing America towards war dangers and Europe -
Awaiting the Next Word
Political cartoon about nazis versus world peace -
The Road is Still There
Political cartoon about kindness, patience, charity, moral stamina, courage, understanding, honesty, and tolerance -
The Squeeze
Political cartoon about Germany and Russia pressuring Poland -
A Dizzy Whirl
Political cartoon about Hitler versus world peace -
Carrying a New Torch
Political cartoon about Japan spreading anti-"foreign" propaganda -
Watching with Interest
Political cartoon about America's Food Stamp Experiment and Surplus Commodities -
The World of Today
Political cartoon about war destroying the globe -
Made in Germany
Political cartoon about Britain's Bill for Defense -
First on the Program
Political cartoon about Hopkins versus the A.F. of L. - C.I.O. Problem and Wagner Act Revision -
One More Victim
Political cartoon about war and truth -
At the Brink
Political cartoon about Hitler and European civilization -
Little Choice
Political cartoon about Europe caught between two bad choices -
Just In Case
Political cartoon about America's defense program in the Caribbean Islands -
This is "National Debt Week"
Political cartoon about America's rapidly growing debt. -
Teeming with Big Ones
Political cartoon about tax exemption. -
It's Too Bad the Eclipse Can't Be Permanent
Political cartoon about Christmas time ignoring the problems of the world. -
One Reason for Thanksgiving
Political cartoon about America being between two different foreign affairs. -
Is Somebody Faking?
Political cartoon about investors during the depression in America.