A drawing signed "Clubb" at the bottom right. The image depicts a man labeled as "Senate Foreign Relations Committee." A coffee cup labeled "Hughes Appointment" sits in front of him, and a sugar cube labeled "Possible Early Transfer to Supreme Court Bench" is being placed inside of the cup by a hand labeled "Dame Rumor"
Safety First.
A drawing signed "Clubb" at the bottom right. The image depicts a crossing guard labeled, "Christmas Shopping Season," holding up a line of cars labeled as different legislative bills to allow a couple with a giant "Shopping List," to pass, insinuating the effects of the holiday season on the law making process.
Grandpa Doesn't Intend to be Pestered Again All Summer.....
A drawing signed "Clubb" at the bottom right. The image depicts a man, who the audience can assume is Grandpa, tending to his lawn. He has posted multiple signs on his fence directing travelers to the various resources so he feels safe from passersby.
Soft Picking.
A drawing signed "Clubb" at the bottom right. The images depict two male characters. It appears the man in the hat is robbing he man in his pajamas who is trying to get through to the police on the phone.
An Early Winter Finds Many Unprepared.
A drawing signed "Clubb" at the bottom right. The images depict multiple characters and scenes that take place over time. Two men are shown trying to prepare for the winter season. However, it appears that have procrastinated and are now very underprepared for the shift.
Great Heavens, Governor, How You Have Changed!
Drawing signed "Clubb" in the bottom right corner. depicts a voter looking frightened at a man with a dog on a leash, wearing a coat labeled "100% candidate", "wall street", "perkins", "trusts", "The Old Guard", "German-American Alliance", "O'Leary", "T.R.", "Monopoly Tariff", and "Jingo", and a feather in his hat labeled "Sufferage Ammendment". There is a portrait of governor hughes standing on a man.
New Year Resolutions Department.
Drawing signed "Clubb" at bottom left. Top of drawing has sign that reads "New Year Resolutions Department" and depicts a man and a woman selecting pieces of paper with different resolutions on them. Undated, but likely 1917-1918.
200,000 Plurality in California.
Drawing signed "Clubb" at bottom right. Portrays Theodore Roosevelt on a chair labeled "1920" being crushed by a larger man labeled "Hiram W. Johnson." Johnson holds a large bag that reads "200,000 Plurality in California." Undated, but likely 1919-1920.
Billie celebrates the New Year
Billie is ready to leave Japan and does some last minute shopping
Billie celebrates her birthday and remenisces on a pleasant holiday season
Billie does more shopping in Tokyo
Billie goes shopping to use up the last of her yen and enjoys a Christmas show
Billie describes experiencing an earthquake and worries that Mt. Fuji will erupt
Billie realizes she will not make it to Seoul in time for Christmas and sends her family well wishes
Billie is not fond of Japan and attends more war trials
Billie recounts a busy week and comments on photos from family
Billie is thankful to receive mail as she is once again sick
Billie discusses a bad band and being denied entry to Jinsen
Timetable of Billie's tour destinations
Christmas card of Mt. Fuji
Christmas card from Yokohama
Notification of safe arrival in Yokohama
Billie recounts getting vaccinations and celebrating multiple birthdays while sick
Billie discusses locating a hotel in Hawaii and plans to sail out the next day