RIT Elmer Messner Collection
The purpose of this project is to create an accessible digitized catalog of the collection of political cartoons by Elmer Messner.
Elmer Messner was born in Rochester, in 1901. He graduated from RIT in 1919 and had studied art and illustration, having what Frank Gannett described as a special talent for it. After graduating he continued to study art in New York City at the Art Student League of New York, but eventually would return to Rochester and begin work as a cartoonist at Rochester Times-Union. Besides being a graduate, Messner also taught at RIT as part of the faculty for 20 years. After some time, Messner left Rochester to work at the Democrat and Chronicle where he continued his cartoonist work. Once again though, he eventually returned home to Rochester and resumed work at Times-Union. He would then retire in 1964, and die at the age of 78 in 1979. His political cartoons were reproduced in many different newspapers and magazines around the country.
Truman and Barkely
Political cartoon about Truman and Barkley -
They Don't Answer!
Political cartoon about Nazi-facist propaganda in South America -
They've Seen that Bird Before
Political cartoon about Germany not having any demands in Europe now -
Nothing to Do But Hatch 'Em
Political cartoon about congress faced with many problems -
A Rare Specimen, Indeed
Political cartoon about the third term -
You'd Hardly Recognize Him
Political cartoon about Russia and the allies -
Not Too Close, There!
Political cartoon about the administration pushing America towards war dangers and Europe -
Awaiting the Next Word
Political cartoon about nazis versus world peace -
The Road is Still There
Political cartoon about kindness, patience, charity, moral stamina, courage, understanding, honesty, and tolerance -
The Squeeze
Political cartoon about Germany and Russia pressuring Poland -
A Dizzy Whirl
Political cartoon about Hitler versus world peace -
Carrying a New Torch
Political cartoon about Japan spreading anti-"foreign" propaganda