Football Game Cheers circa 1972 Pictured are three Cheerleaders cheering on the crowd while the 1972 football team is seated behind them. Their uniforms are different than their earlier counterparts with the Cheerleaders now sporting a dark sweater and shorter skirts. Located in the new Henrietta Campus, the girls cheer on their team through thick and thin!
Cheerleaders posed around Spirit the Tiger circa 1963-64 The Cheerleading Team from 1963-1964 posed around Spirit the Tiger in the RIT Gym. Spirit was a small tiger brought into RIT from 1963-64 who captured the hearts of the students and faculty. Since Spirit, the mascot has been solidified as the Tiger being the symbol of RIT.
Cheerleaders in Action circa 1950's Two Cheerleaders are pictured performing cheers while onlookers watch from behind. Their sweaters are still resembling the 1950’s logo with the “R” and the megaphone which was the accepted logo for an extended time. Still located at RIT’s Downtown Campus, these ladies are cheering on their team inside of the gym.
Full Cheerleading Squad circa 1951 Shown is another Cheerleading Squad from 1951 also framed by two women holding megaphones. Pictured here is a larger group than the previous photo: (From left to right) Marino DeSimone, Dorothy Kenyon, June Higgs, Diane Ives, Anne Graves, Ann Lauer. This group has the updated insignia for the time embroidered on their sweaters. During the 1950’s the logo for the cheerleaders was updated to a single “R” with a megaphone in the background.
Cheerleading Squad 1 Circa 1951 Shown is the Cheerleading Squad from 1951 framed by two women holding megaphones. Pictured are:(From left to right) Polly Grubert, Marilyn Norcross, Anne Depuy, Sally Burrell. The RIT logo can be seen on the megaphones, however it does not appear on their sweaters in this photo. During this time RIT had two cheerleading squads to cheer on their teams at multiple games.
1943 Cheerleaders Emblem This Blue and Grey logo with the letters “MI” and a megaphone behind it originates from the early 1940’s era of RIT. Before RIT the school was known as the Mechanics Institute. Traditionally this logo would have appeared on the front of the cheerleaders uniform, sweater, or on the back of a jacket. Since this time, the colors have changed to Orange and Brown.