California Big Trees, Southern Pacific


California Big Trees, Southern Pacific
Set onto a blue sky background, the vast trunks of the redwood trees extend far into the distance. Various types of foliage are intermixed between the sun-dappled trees.
The center-most redwood has a tunnel archway carved into its trunk in order to facilitate travel through the redwood forest.. A group of people on horseback travel through the trunk of a large redwood located in the front foreground of the image. These people appear to be all men, with large brown coats and hats.

The purpose of these people's escapade through the redwood forest is not known or made apparent by their dress nor mode of travel. The men may be railroad employees, loggers, or tourists.

The redwood tree species, Sequoia and Sequoiadendron of California and Oregon, USA represent the tallest and largest trees in the world. The large stature and longevity of these trees, when compared to the minuscule representations of the people on horseback, makes apparent the majesty and wonder these plants inspire within people. Living for thousands of years, these trees grow slowly, many never reaching their iconic titanic sizes. These trees, by the nature of their slow growth and large size, are endangered due to habitat losses from fire ecology suppression, logging, and air pollution.
Z. Sherman |
Poster 892

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