Bermuda – By Air or Sea


Bermuda – By Air or Sea
The sky is a bright blue, with a line of puffy clouds. A four-engine pontoon plane flies overhead to the left. The small Bermuda skyline can be seen across the water from the perspective of the viewer. Farthest away is the clearly visible Hamilton Church, taller than all the other 1-2 story buildings in the scene. There are light crowds of people gathered on the veranda and coast of the distant buildings. In the water, a speedboat dashes to the right while whipping up a long wake behind it, and a small sailboat sits closer to the shore. Directly in front of and to the right of the viewer are two figures, a man in a grey jacket and grey hat, and a blond woman in a red dress. A brown coat hangs over the railing on which they are leaning. The red and white circular rescue floater mounted on the railing to the left of the couple, as well as their wide smiles, suggest they and the viewer are on board a leisure cruise. The bright colors of the piece practically guarantee warm weather and summer leisure. The smiles of the couple make them seem admiring of the nice view. The poster’s phrase “Bermuda by air or sea” seems to emphasize the glamour of the then-luxurious privilege of air travel, as well as the beauty of the gleaming water seen in the poster.
P. Fowler |
Poster 287

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