Indo-Chine par les Chargeurs Réunis


Indo-Chine par les Chargeurs Réunis
The sky is overcast, with hints of soft blue towards the horizon. What little of the horizon is visible resembles what seems to be a port. Obscuring the rest of the horizon floats a large red and white ship. It has one orange smokestack with a horizontal white stripe, two main masts, and has three deck levels. Three small fishing boats float in front of the ship, and one floats behind it, to the left of the viewer. Directly in front of the viewer floats two small fishing boats, each with a person sitting in them. The closest person can be seen wearing a wide-brim tan hat and a grey tunic. The French phrases “indo-chine” and “par les Chargeurs Réunis” line the top and bottom of the poster, referring to trade by the French shipping company Chargeurs Réunis (United Shippers), who ship in the Indo-China region of mainland Southeast Asia. The whole poster is very muted in tone and hue, looking more dreary than happy or adventurous. The large shipping vessel has the only distinct or bright colors in the piece, perhaps meant to give the message that the company has the capabilities to safely carry cargo through unknown and exotic lands.
P. Fowler |
Poster 270

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