Travel to Guatemala


Travel to Guatemala
A bright and colorful poster urges viewers to “Travel to Guatemala”. The main focus of the image is a graphic and caricature-esque image of a woman holding a bowl of fruit. The woman is so close in the foreground only her face, shoulder and uplifted right hand are shown. Her face is on the right side of the poster and only shows the right side of her face, the left side is out of the frame. She has tan skin, dark eyes, dark hair, a big smile and bright highlights on her cheeks, nose, forehead, and hair. The woman is wearing large, white hoop earrings that have ornate decorations. She also wears what looks like three pearl necklaces and a floral blouse with bright purples, reds, and greens. In the woman's uplifted right hand she holds a black bowl. The bowl has fruit placed inside of it covered by the graphics of different flags. There is a pineapple with the U.S. flag on it, an orange with the flag of Panama, a pear with the flag of Brazil, a banana with the flag of Chile, and other fruits and leaves that have the colors of other flags from the Americas. Underneath the hand with the bowl there is a small wooden hut with a straw roof and two palm trees to the right of it all sitting on a small section of sand. Behind the woman in the foreground there is green that represents land and then a blue mountain. Behind the mountain, which is centered on the poster, are white clouds that sit in a golden yellow sky. This image filled with bright colors, graphic landscapes, and a big grin from a local woman suggests to viewers that Guatemala is a great place to visit that allows tourists to not only experience Guatemalan culture but culture from many different countries in the Americas.
Poster 294

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