M. Lillian Pratt Kinzel's Obituary
M. Lillian Pratt Kinzel's Obituary
The obituary for M. Lillian Pratt Kinzel offers a quick summary of her death and her survivors, her family included husbaned George Kinzel whom she married on August 12, 1897 and their son Donald. Lillian was acknowledged as a beloved friend and family member who would be missed as well as someone who participated in the community through the Rochester Art Club, her teachings and a member of societies, churches and unions. The obituary points out that Lillian’s success could have continued, drawing comparisons with Emma Lampert (1855-1920), a fellow Rochestarian, who achived sues in art. Lillian and Emma demonstrate the intense work ethic of women artists of the day. Even though Lampert traveled abroad and continued with her production long after Pratt’s death, together they demonstrate the exceptional ability of women artists of the day. Both are buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery.
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