Memento - Cael


Memento - Cael
Visual description: This is a small, rectangular, clear plastic container with a black lid. It is about the width and length of two fingers side by side on the sides, and the bottom and top are roughly two thumbs width.

Within the container are upwards of fifty feathers of various sizes, belonging to two parakeets. The feathers are primarily yellow or green, some have black dusting, and a few are gray. Small feathers with black stripes are head feathers, and make up the majority along with slightly larger back and wing feathers, while long flight feathers are the minority.
Contextual description: The container was originally used to hold Chessex brand plastic dice, and acquired from Millennium Games in September of 2020. The first of the birds, Paopu, was bought on September 26, 2020, and the latter, Beaker, on 24th of January, 2021. Paopu passed away on June 28th, 2022. All the feathers within belonged to an American budgerigar.

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