7 Stages of Dementia Map


7 Stages of Dementia Map
For my map, I decided to construct a non-traditional map. I wanted to demonstrate the stages of the brain while it battles dementia. Dementia is a neurocognitive disease associated with memory loss, loss of motor skills, and many more physiological and sensory symptoms. Currently, there is no known cure. Most of the time, dementia gets clumped into Alzheimer’s disease. Still, they are not necessarily the same thing and there needs to be just as much research going into dementia as Alzheimer's. This subject is extremely important to me as my grandmother lost her battle with dementia in May of 2022 after fighting for almost 7 years. The lack of treatment plans and adequate care-taking training needs to be remedied. Furthermore, the map I created moves from left to right with dementia as the common factor. The map takes you through brain scans done of a brain through each stage of dementia. The 7 stages of dementia include no cognitive decline, age-associated memory impairment, mild cognitive impairment, mild dementia, moderate dementia, moderately severe dementia, and severe dementia. Throughout the patient’s decline, brain tissue shrinks and ultimately reduced the total mass volume of the brain and essential factors for a human to function correctly. Each stage is a landmark in the journey of a dementia patient and it is irreversible. This map is meant to be used to raise awareness of the increasing frequency yet lack of resources to manage dementia.
Map showing the stages of dementia. With each stage the brian deteriorates and shrinks more. Blue/green background with black and white brain scans going from left to right.
Date Entered Collection
November 9, 2022
Digital image

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