Article of Clothing, The Pants


Article of Clothing, The Pants
Visual Description, 40in tall, 27in waist
This pair of pants was painted for me by a past friend. I bought the pants at Marshalls back in January, and then he offered to paint on top of them for a commission. I got them back in late April, and very much relied on his artistic abilities and time to have them how they are now. The art on them means a lot to me, in a way that it is a representation things last semester and who I am. The pants are filled with references to artists such as Basquiat and Andy Warhol, most noticeably ‘129 DIE IN JET’ from Warhol’s Death and Disaster series, Warhol’s lips and dollar signs, and Basquiat’s NYC address on the back. These are artists we both admire and talked about immensely. On the front, there are the lyrics “Sometimes I feel so happy/ Sometimes I feel so sad” from the Velvet Underground song ‘Pale Blue Eyes’, a quite sad song about loving someone you can’t have. There are many other little things, such as stars, cigarettes, eyes, the 7Up logo, and various words on the pants. The pants have led to many nights of drama and tears, but I also love them with my whole heart. The pants communicate many things about me, such as who I was friends with, what community I put myself in, and how I value both art and fashion. When I wear the pants, I feel very aligned with the art community, as I am always receiving compliments and they make me feel cool for owning a one-of-a-kind piece of clothing. I myself have not modified the clothing but have ripped it more in the knees due to the paint hardening the jean. I wear these pants almost once every two weeks, but especially when I do something within the arts community, such as exhibition receptions and visiting museums.
Date Entered Collection
April 9, 2022
Acrylic on denim

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