Prompt 1: Map
Prompt 1: Map
The image above is of the town boundary of Ensley Center, Michigan where I grew up and currently live. I come from a small town (at least in comparison to most of the people at RIT). As of July 1, 2022, there are 2,625 people living in Ensley Center. There isn't much to do in Ensley Center except for walking in the woods. It is said that the majority of Ensley Center is either a Woodard (my family) or a Folkema (a family that my family is close friends with). Most of the land in the town is used for farming. In the summer time, my cousins and I would watch the tractors go by because we didn't have much to do. Although there isn't much to say about Ensley Center, it's still a beautiful place that is primarly untouched.
Date Entered Collection
December 2022